    [id] => 626
    [date] => 2019-06-29
    [doi] => 
    [title] => Quo vadis psychologio pracy? O potrzebie godzenia oczekiwań różnych „użytkowników” wiedzy stosowanej
    [authors] => Maryla Goszczyńska
    [abstract] => 

The overview presented in this article is the outcome of challenges that stand ahead of work psychology, demanding a new perspective on the way we educate students in this specialization, and on the employment market- which expects that the currently working psychologists will have a bigger flexibility in apprehending professional knowledge and abilities. Effective functioning and maintaining a professional level by psychologists demands good knowledge of permanent changes that take place in the employment environment (new forms of employment, a higher demand for workers with specialized qualifications, also creating complex systems of knowledge and providing services, instead of a „solid” outcome of goods and products), all this creates a necessity for gaining new professional capabilities, and maintaining ethical principles, allowing to resolve conflicts that frequently rise before the work psychologist. The interdisciplinary character of the „Industry and Organization Psychology” specialization, requires broadening of the educational program and including knowledge from the broader line of such departments as: industrial medicine, legal issues of employment, business ethics, psychology of heath, and clinical psychology (mobbing, workaholism, professional burnout syndrome, unemployment stress).

[abstract_en] =>

The overview presented in this article is the outcome of challenges that stand ahead of work psychology, demanding a new perspective on the way we educate students in this specialization, and on the employment market- which expects that the currently working psychologists will have a bigger flexibility in apprehending professional knowledge and abilities. Effective functioning and maintaining a professional level by psychologists demands good knowledge of permanent changes that take place in the employment environment (new forms of employment, a higher demand for workers with specialized qualifications, also creating complex systems of knowledge and providing services, instead of a „solid” outcome of goods and products), all this creates a necessity for gaining new professional capabilities, and maintaining ethical principles, allowing to resolve conflicts that frequently rise before the work psychologist. The interdisciplinary character of the „Industry and Organization Psychology” specialization, requires broadening of the educational program and including knowledge from the broader line of such departments as: industrial medicine, legal issues of employment, business ethics, psychology of heath, and clinical psychology (mobbing, workaholism, professional burnout syndrome, unemployment stress).

[keywords] => work psychology, practical knowledge, user expectations [keywords_en] => work psychology, practical knowledge, user expectations [file_path] => /files/articles/2008-14-quo-vadis-psychologio-pracy-o-potrzebie-godzenia-oczekiwa-rnych-__uytkownikw"-wiedzy-stosowanej.pdf [okladka] => psychologia_pracy_i_organizacji.jpg [rocznik] => Rocznik: 2008 Tom: 14 Numer: 1 [strony] => 29-37 )

Quo vadis psychologio pracy? O potrzebie godzenia oczekiwań różnych „użytkowników” wiedzy stosowanej


Maryla Goszczyńska


Rocznik: 2008 Tom: 14 Numer: 1
Strony: 29-37

The overview presented in this article is the outcome of challenges that stand ahead of work psychology, demanding a new perspective on the way we educate students in this specialization, and on the employment market- which expects that the currently working psychologists will have a bigger flexibility in apprehending professional knowledge and abilities. Effective functioning and maintaining a professional level by psychologists demands good knowledge of permanent changes that take place in the employment environment (new forms of employment, a higher demand for workers with specialized qualifications, also creating complex systems of knowledge and providing services, instead of a „solid” outcome of goods and products), all this creates a necessity for gaining new professional capabilities, and maintaining ethical principles, allowing to resolve conflicts that frequently rise before the work psychologist. The interdisciplinary character of the „Industry and Organization Psychology” specialization, requires broadening of the educational program and including knowledge from the broader line of such departments as: industrial medicine, legal issues of employment, business ethics, psychology of heath, and clinical psychology (mobbing, workaholism, professional burnout syndrome, unemployment stress).

work psychology, practical knowledge, user expectations